Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now

Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now

Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now


This dangerous computer game is going to pop on the screen for a huge number of devoted gamers, for the individuals who discover speed is the quintessence of life. This is battle-hustling experience at its overly best is intended for a weaponized run to the end goal like no other. The Pacer is prepared to roar on the tracks, firearms smoking.

Pacer Trailer

The Factfile

The Game is relied upon to be dispatched on September 17, 2020, on Steam. It has been created by R8 Games, and the Designer is Carlton Gaunt. The Publisher is additionally R8 Games. It was initially named Formula Fusion, a cutting-edge dashing computer game, expected to be delivered in June 2017. However, matters got deferred, the first content was patched up in 2019 to a really energizing activity game, and the game renamed and rebranded as Pacer for the re-discharge. The Platform is Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. This time around, the vista looks emphatically welcoming. A kick-starter crusade by the Developers raised Pounds Sterling 80K for advancement, and the race was on!

Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now

The Features

This game is the following stage repulsive force battle racer. It recognizes the praise previously got from the worshiping masses for the rapid hustling local area and gives recognition to the past. Simultaneously, the contemporary is brought to the center, while what’s to come is joined in spine-shivering experiences on the dashing track. This is rivalry on the edge and is ensured to keep players and the crowd as eager and anxious as can be consistent. Improved material science and the consideration of a replay mode are a portion of the highlights remembered for this variant. Another track to the repulsive force racer called Midtown will address a heavenly new quality benchmark for this sort, and for games all over. Considerably seriously energizing, the Developers have made redesigned changes and changes to the current four tracks inactivity as of now. The vehicles are presently considerably more current, and have cockpit cameras, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and coordinated exceptionally complex weaponry to coordinate with the elevated advances to motor execution. The AI controls presently grant hands-off driving when important to focus on the assault, and discharging the weapons, while involved control is returned back to the driver/player when needed to suit the activity of the game. This is in anticipation of the development of the game to supports, which can happen any second after discharge.

Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now

The New Features

A portion of the eye-getting Changelog Enhancements and Changes are as per the following:

New Track: The tracks are completely adjusted now, and the progressions have all been enlisted as wanted by the Steering Committee.

Specialty And Weapons: New hostile and Defensive alternatives are currently added for both art and weaponizing.

Haptic Feedback: This is a dazzling turn of events, not offered in comparable games till now. The activity is switch On/Off.

Pursue Cam: Completely progressive plan included.

Tail Cam: New plan.

Safeguard Pick Up: This is currently Purple.

Carport: This is a completely adjusted office for Pit Stops now, with reasonable staffing included.

Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now

Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now

System Requirements


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 64bit
Processor: i5 2.7GHz / AMD A10-5700 OR FX-6300
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 740 / R7 260
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 17 GB available space
Additional Notes: These specifications are subject to change during the development process.


Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: i5 4000-series 3.5Ghz / AMD 8350
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia 970 / R9 290
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 17 GB available space
Additional Notes: These specifications are subject to change during the development process.

How to Install?

Click on the “Download Game” button.
Download ” Pacer“ Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
Open the Installer, Click Next, and choose the directory where to Install.
Let it Download the Full Version game in your specified directory.
Open the Game and Enjoy Playing.

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Pacer Xbox One Game Premium Version Download Now


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