Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

Star Trek Resurgence Download PC is a narrative adventure game set in the sci-fi universe of the same name. The production was developed by indie studio Dramatic Labs, founded by former members of the genre-winning Telltale Games team.

Star Trek Resurgence Game Review
It’s safe to say that Star Trek has fallen out of favor when it comes to video games, with only a select few standing out in recent years, with Star Trek Online being the most obvious example. On the other hand, 2013’s Star Trek also stood out for all the wrong reasons. One title I haven’t been able to try and would like is Star Trek: Bridge Crew. One thing’s for sure, Star Trek lends itself well to all kinds of games, and it’s time for Dramatic Labs’ former TellTale alumni to bring their free-to-play Star Trek Resurgence adventure to life.

That’s certainly the goal, and for the most part it’s done with great success. Star Trek: Resurgence falls exactly where Star Trek is often at its best, philosophical and human. It’s impossible to imagine a series without Encounter at Farpoint, The Next Generation starter and Jean Luc Picard, or episodes like The Measure of a Man (TNG), Duet (DS9) and even The Andorian Incident (Enterprise). Star Trek can still bring action, but that’s what happens in episodes like those about humans (or androids or Andorians) and sometimes avoids unnecessary “actions.”

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

Being an adventure game where the choices and consequences are in the same vein as Telltale’s biggest games, you’d rightly expect something more in line with Trek’s more challenging episodes. That’s not to say there’s no action, something Telltale’s The Walking Dead was happy to show off over a decade ago. Dramatic Labs has put even more effort into the gameplay by giving you limited control of the phaser, tricorder, and other tools. Adventure games developed slowly.

Of course, most of the time, you’ll be doing the same things you’d expect from these choice-based adventure games. You’ll do minimal exploration in confined areas, check a few things, and talk to a few people. There are several puzzles in which you can realign the whatchyamadoodle carrier, set the tractor radius heading correctly, etc. Some of these puzzles are also optional, which gives you a little side to complete and potentially affects the subsequent gameplay.

Of course, the real impact is your decisions at key moments. Whether it’s deciding to send a crew member back to the ship first, or moving forward with your love – in this case, Carter Diaz – or taking on the role of Jara Rydek, choosing between two rival factions, you’re forced to make do with it. These decisions and many more will shape the fate of your story. They will shape the way others look at Carter Diaz and Jara Rydek, two playable characters.

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

Taking place right on the heels of the conclusion of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek Resurgence Download also has the opportunity to showcase some things that fans of the franchise know and love. The two returning characters are Spock (as seen above), voiced by Peter Michael, who sounds good like the late great Leonard Nimoy. Another guest is none other than Jonathan Frakes as William T. Riker, one of the best characters ever to appear on the sci-fi screen. Thankfully, none of these characters replaced the well-written newcomers.

Overall, Star Trek Free Resurgence is well-written and feels like something Trek owns. He forgets his way in his little corner of the universe, but is inseparable from everything else. It also requires the delicate balance you expect.

It has enough magical space science that you can do with Wesley Crusher by your side, ready to explain or solve MacGyver. Unique ion storms that keep you in place, factions within factions threatening an all-out war between two neighboring planets, covert actions threatening to turn everything upside down, it’s exactly what you’d expect.

The way the story is presented is where I found the game. Aesthetically, I can’t complain. It’s not, and I wouldn’t want it to be photorealistic. I particularly like the design presented here, with colors that make things stand out, even if the animations can be overdone. There are also some minor issues where characters cross tables during scenes, and even though it’s Trek, I know it wasn’t intentional. None of this takes away from the game, but it sets the stage for the technical issues that do.

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

The voice acting in an adventure game like this is perhaps the most critical element. Everyone is doing a great job here; I can’t fault a single line I’ve heard, the actors should be proud of their performance and the writers should be proud of their script. My problem is with the technical problems with the delivery of these lines. I had shortened lines; It happened to me that they would come together, where the beginning of one word ended with the end of another.

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link

How to install the Game in 5 simple steps.

1. Click on the “Download Game” button for a complete installation.
2. Download the “Star Trek Resurgence” Installer setup (NOTE: This setup is supported resumable download).
3. Open the Game Installer, Click Next and choose the directory where to Install.
4. Let it Download Game in the specified directory of your laptop.
5. Run the Game and Enjoy Playing Full Version Game.

If you face any problem in Running “Star Trek Resurgence” then please feel free to comment down below, we will reply as soon as possible.


Star Trek Resurgence PC Game Download Link