For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

For Honor is a 2017 activity computer game created and distributed by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game permits players to assume the parts of verifiable types of officers and champions, including knights, samurai, Vikings, and since October 2018 the Chinese Wu Lin, inside an archaic setting, controlled utilizing a third-individual point of view. The game was grown essentially by Ubisoft Montreal and delivered worldwide in 2017.

For Honor Trailer


For Honor is an activity battling game set in a middle-aged, dream setting. Players can play as a person from one of four unique groups, to be specific the Iron Legion (Knights), the Warborn (Vikings), the Dawn Empire (Samurai), and the Wu Lin (Ancient Chinese). The Wu Lin group was added to the Marching Fire extension in October 2018. Every legend additionally has cited in their own language that will trigger when certain activities are performed. The Knights speak Latin, the Vikings speak Icelandic, the Samurai communicate in Japanese, and the Wu Lin communicate in Mandarin. Every group had four classes at dispatch, with two more being added toward the start of each period of the Faction War. The Vanguard-class is depicted as “even” and has astounding offense and protection. The Assassin class is quick and productive in dueling foes, yet the class bargains substantially less harm to various adversaries. The Heavies (Tanks) are more impervious to harm and are reasonable for holding catch focuses, however, their assaults are slow. The last class, known as “Crossover”, is a blend of two of the three kinds, and is fit for utilizing unprecedented abilities.

All saints are exceptional and have their own weapons, abilities, and battling styles. Players battle against their rivals with their group explicit scuffle weapons. At the point when players play out specific activities, for example, killing different foes continuously, they acquire Feats, which are extra advantages. These advantages permit players to acquire extra focuses and qualities, bring in a torrent of bolts or a sling assault, or recuperate themselves. In many missions, players are joined by various AI flunkies. They are essentially more vulnerable than the player character and don’t present a lot of danger.

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

A strategic battle framework, known as “Specialty of Battle”, is started when the player experiences different players or player-like AI in the multiplayer or higher wellbeing AI in the mission. Players enter a dueling mode with them wherein players focus on their adversary with their weapon. Players then, at that point can pick how to place and position their weapons from three bearings (from a higher place, the right, and the left) when they are assaulting their foes. By seeing on-screen hints and the developments of their adversaries, which mirror their individual assault position, players can pick the right situation to obstruct the other players’ assaults. Players additionally have other unique capacities, which fluctuate contingent upon the person they pick, for example, bursting into foes with their own shoulders and performing back-venturing swipes. The strength of each assault can likewise be chosen by players. The framework targets permitting players to “feel the heaviness of the weapon in [their] hand”


There are as of now four groups in For Honor: Knights, Vikings, and Samurai, with a fourth group, the Wu Lin, having been added with the Marching Fire expansion. There are nine warriors in the Knight group, seven in two the Viking and Samurai groups, and five in the Wu Lin group, which makes an aggregate of 28 saints, each employing their own one-of-a-kind weapon from history.

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

Knight group highlights:

Superintendent, a Vanguard-class knight using a longsword, a specialist at maintaining close separation and handling the adversary;

Champion, a Heavy class fighter employing a thrash and utilizing a radiator safeguard to battle off assaults;

Peacekeeper, an Assassin furnished with a blend of shortsword and blade, depending on speedy assaults and draining out the adversary;

Lawbringer, a protection clad Hybrid warrior utilizing a poleaxe and joining pushes and tosses to control the progression of the battle;

Centurion, a Roman-themed Hybrid hero waving a gladius who is a wild hand-to-hand warrior;

Warrior, an Assassin class contender suggestive of retiarii of old Rome with a spear and a buckler available to them;

Dark Prior, a Heavy class knight using a broadsword who is an expert at utilizing a kite safeguard in both guard and offense.

Militarist, a Vanguard-class fighter using a flamberge who once had a place with the knights until they were picked by the god Horkos to complete the mission of Apollyon.

Griffin, a Hybrid class knight using a bardiche who was once known as the Lawbringer, Holden Cross, until he accepted the battling styles and societies, all things considered.

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

Viking group highlights:

Plunderer, a Vanguard-class hero battling with a Dane hatchet, utilizing his weighty weapon to perform amazing strikes;

Warlord, a Heavy class hero furnished with Viking sword and performing fast assaults from behind his Viking safeguard;

Berserker, an Assassin with hand tomahawks in both of his hands, which, while forfeiting safeguard, permit him to perform quick strikes;

Valkyrie, a Hybrid class contender utilizing lance and safeguard in an adaptable battling method, continually pushing at the adversary;

Highlander, a Hybrid stylized as a Scottish champion with a claymore who switches among cautious and hostile positions;

Shaman, an Assassin class contender with a wild battling style using an ax and a gutting blade;

Jormungandr, a Heavy class hero utilizing an amazing conflict sled to severely attack the rivals.

Samurai group highlights:

Kensei, a Vanguard-class fighter using a nodachi in a consistent, adjusted position;

Shugoki, a Heavy class soldier utilizing his weight and a Kanebo to smash assaulting adversaries;

Orochi, a katana-employing Assassin who takes care of his adversaries with a whirlwind of anchored blows;

Nobushi, a Hybrid class contender battling with a naginata, who is a specialist at maintaining foes at separation;

Shinobi, an Assassin class contender with kusarigama in each hand, utilizing subtle moves to consistently keep the adversary speculating;

Arumusha, a Hybrid class hero with two katanas and a high speed, phenomenal battling method;

Hitokiri, a Heavy class hero and a previous killer employing a masa kami.

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

Wu Lin group highlights:

Tiandi, a Vanguard-class fighter who employs a da-day and spends significant time in quick battle dependent on evades;

Jiang Jun, a Heavy class warrior with a guandao available to him, who can keep different adversaries under control;

Nuxia, an Assassin using double snare blades to execute quick and capable strikes while at the same time avoiding the rival;

Shaolin, a Hybrid class contender who depends on bō and hand to hand fighting skill to conquer the adversary;

Zhanhu, a Hybrid class hero whose avoids and breathtaking use of changdao gives a commendable test.

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download

System Requirements
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 64-bits
Processor: Core i3 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 4.0, Nvidia GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5750 / Intel HD 630
Storage: 50 GB available space
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 64-bits
Processor: Core i5 / Ryzen 5
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 4.3, Nvidia GTX 680 / AMD Radeon RX 580 / Intel Xe-HPG
Storage: 50 GB available space

How to Install?
Click on the “Download Game” button.
Download ” Amnesia: Rebirth“ Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
Open the Installer, Click Next, and choose the directory where to Install.
Let it Download the Full Version game in your specified directory.
Open the Game and Enjoy Playing.
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For Honor Mobile Android Game 2021 Apk Download