The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

In The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf, Gargamel has delivered a harmful plant known as the Vileaf into the Smurf’s reality. The Vileaf has spread tainting all through the in-game world, and it’s likewise made risky Viletraps that have caught a portion of the Smurfs.

Players should help Papa Smurf and four playable characters (Hefty Smurf, Brainy Smurf, Chef Smurf, and Smurfette) salvage the caught Smurfs, make a counteractant for the pollution, mend debased plants, and rout the Vileleaf before it’s past the point of no return.


The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf is a 3D platformer that moves players to hop on and over stages, stay away from holes in the way, overcome or keep away from foes, and more as they investigate various conditions, like a dam, a human palace, and a marsh. While the greater part of the game elements genuinely open regions to investigate, there are occasions where the game turns out to be more similar to a side-scroller, with players exploring limited ways by moving from left to right or right to left across the screen.

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

Players are furnished with a helpful device called the Smurfizer, which they can “shoot” at polluted plants to mend them. Sullied plants are purple and pink, so they stand apart well when contrasted with solid plants.

Rather than working like a weapon, the Smurfizer is more similar to a water hose that is associated with a tank on the Smurf’s back. The Smurfizer has a restricted limit of recuperating shower, which means players can just shoot it for a couple of moments before the splash is drained. Notwithstanding, the Smurfizer tops off rapidly and consequently, and players aren’t needed to gather any kind of ammunition, except if they’re utilizing the Smurfizer to coast or charge.

Toward the start of the game, the Smurfizer must be utilized to shoot a mending shower at sullied plants. As players progress, they’ll open redesigns for the instrument that permit them to utilize it to skim over huge holes in the way, accuse forward of a fast increase in speed, and even vacuum up things.

The game’s surroundings become more intricate as players progress to consolidate these various capacities. For example, the palace level highlights heaps of minutes where players need to utilize the Smurfizer to coast over huge holes in the way. In these sorts of occasions, the game spots circles in the way that will re-energize the Smurfizer so players will have sufficient energy to endure every region.

The game’s battle likewise turns out to be more confounded as players progress. There are different assortments of foes to overcome. Some can be crushed by just shooting them with the mending shower. Others are roosted on top of a wooden post that you’ll have to break before they’re crushed, etc. At times, players can abstain from engaging and essentially run past adversaries, yet in others, they’ll become secured a little region until every one of the foes have been crushed.

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf is intended for more youthful players, yet a portion of the game’s fight experiences are shockingly difficult, with heaps of foes in little regions. The game highlights three trouble settings so children can pick the one that suits their playstyle, and this can be changed in the game. The game likewise includes an “auto-point” work that makes the Smurfizer naturally focus on neighboring adversaries.

While we like the consideration of the auto-point include, a few foes move or bounce around actually rapidly, which can make your Smurf move whimsically after the Smurfizer locks onto them. This is bumping, yet players might become acclimated to it as this occurs over the full length of the game. Players can likewise wind down the auto-point include in the game’s menu, however, as you may expect, we observed that pointing turned out to be more troublesome when the element was wound down.

As players bring harm or fall into pits and holes in the way, they’ll lose part of their wellbeing. This wellbeing can be re-energized by breaking boxes that are dissipated oftentimes all through every space. In the event that players take sufficient harm without recuperating, they can in fact pass on, however when this occurs, they can rapidly respawn at a close by designated spot and attempt once more.

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf highlights an assortment of stowed away collectibles that players can look for in every climate. These collectibles can be utilized close by the game’s money (cash is procured by mending plants) to buy additional redesigns for the Smurfizer and the Smurfs characters, including additional wellbeing.

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

At long last, the game backings neighborhood agreeable multiplayer for two players in a similar room. At the point when players are cooperating, the subsequent player turns into a little flying robot that can mend polluted plants and foes, just as drop unstable seeds.

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download

How to install the Game in 5 simple steps.

1. Click on the “Download Game” button for a complete installation.
2. Download the “The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf” Installer setup (NOTE: This setup is supported resumable download).
3. Open the Game Installer, Click Next and choose the directory where to Install.
4. Let it Download Game in the specified directory of your laptop.
5. Run the Game and Enjoy Playing Full Version Game.

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The Smurfs: Mission Vileaf Android Game Setup File APK Download