Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

The Game of Darkness – Those Who Remain

Those who remain in the round of spine chiller which occurs in the spot of Dormant is a US modest community. This town is by all accounts a decent one however it is reviled by a devil who transformed everything into obscurity. You will confront distinctive frightfulness occasions. Make a point to hold your mental stability under wraps in order to endure for the most part during the night.

As everything is obscurity in the town of lethargic, as the character you have to go outside the roads to start playing the game. Different vanishings murmurs are heard all through the whole town of torpid. You will begin to see there is a silly and uncomfortable dread that begins to spread in the murkiness which is an impression of the individuals who stay in this town. You shouldn’t do any sort of mix-ups until your life is finished. Yet, you may play out certain missteps.

Those Who Remain Trailer

The storyline of this game

Edward is the hero with the best life, delightful spouse, and the ideal young lady. He actually gets himself his life isn’t yet finished and he passes during that time in the torpid town for finishing his undertaking which is a mystery for an idea to fix his mix-ups and never rehash them. He considers remaining in a brilliant oak inn without staying alert that how much this night will transform him. There are dimness and ghastliness present in the whole town of torpid. This game has a storyline where each truth is manufactured and wrapped by the all-out dimness. There are the resident deeds present in this town.

It is your obligation to get by in this total obscurity. The character Edward will be tried for rational soundness, profound quality, and abhorrent shadows that are hiding in the obscurity of this town. You as the character Edward need to discover a way to escape this obscurity without doing any errors. On the off chance that you do any slip-ups, at that point it is certain that you will confront the results

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

Highlights of Those who remain game

We should examine the different features of the game the individuals who stay to comprehend its uniqueness and forte.

Eyes of the darkness:

You have to explore through the obscurity which has eyes. You need to control the resources of the light for making room through the torpid town puzzles. At whatever place you are, it is essential to remain in the light consistently for enduring.

Worlds are torn apart:

You have to investigate among the two measurements which are interconnected as you go through among the lethargic town and an abnormal reality which is a substitute. You have to understand the riddles which are however inciting and inside the obscurity open the mysteries.

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

Choice conscience:

You have to settle on the decisions as Edward for making due in the haziness. You experience different numerous endings and take decisions that choose the hero’s destiny.

Savor your sanity:

You will investigate through misfortune, family, and mental soundness. You can see that individuals are spooky by more than the dull evil spirits in this dimness.

Special atmospheric horror:

You will discover the air as the spot of awfulness occasions which appears as though it is motivated by an exemplary blood and gore movie.

In this way, these are the principal features of the game, the individuals who remain which occurs in obscurity.

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

System Requirements


OS: Windows Vista 64-bit
Processor: Core i3 2.4Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / AMD Radeon HD 5750. OpenGL 3.3
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 9 GB available space


OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Core i5 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 / AMD Radeon HD 5970. OpenGL 3.3
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 9 GB available space

How to Install?

Click on the “Download Game” button.
Download ” Those Who Remain“ Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
Open the Installer, Click Next, and choose the directory where to Install.
Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory.
Open the Game and Enjoy Playing.

Download Those Who Remain PS Game New Updated Version

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