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Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

Dead Island 2 Haus Download is the first official add-on of Dead Island 2, which allows us to explore a large villa in Malibu, where we will have to face a survival game against terrifying bodybuilders. Dead Island 2 Haus game has once again been released by Deep Silver and the expansion itself significantly alters the gameplay, which is evident throughout the expansion.

Game Expansion Review
The universe of Dead Island can be very surprising, as evidenced by the add-on of the second part of Dead Island 2 entitled Haus, which largely tries to completely change the stylistics of the gameplay in order to accentuate certain elements of horror, which makes the game even more terrifying and repulsive, which in itself puts us in front of a very surreal horror, where the free-to-play Dead Island 2 Haus game tries to be more psychological.

Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

In fact, it’s nothing more than a focus on the different types of elements we find around us. Anyway, the basic enemies, which are the cultists, are extremely brutal and ruthless, which is why the first expansion of the story allows us to fully explore a very diverse villa in Malibu where we nevertheless have to face a very technological place where all kinds of experiments or other activities are conducted.

The Prophet and His Reign.
Prophet Konstantin, who is both a great guru and the owner of the villa, seems to be a difficult and incomprehensible adversary, however, as the plot progresses, his motivations and intentions become more obvious and clear. It can be said that the game Dead Island 2 Haus largely tries to present the new place of action in an authentic way, where at the same time we have all kinds of threats in the form of the aforementioned cultists, as well as new opponents that we will be able to exterminate with brand new weapons.

On top of that, Dead Island 2 Haus also includes a mystery, which seems like an interesting element of the aforementioned expansion, so it’s no surprise that the combat in the narrow corridors feels a bit more claustrophobic than the open world of the base version of the game, which, however, doesn’t change the fact that this type of place has its own charm, And at the same time we witness terrifying events that lead to a surprising finale, which also becomes the conclusion of the expansion.

Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

Cultists are dangerous.
It is interesting to note that in the game Dead Island 2 Haus the ideal tool to kill the cultists is the crossbow, as well as many other new weapons, which we can use appropriately, while trying to survive the onslaught of an increasing number of different opponents that move around the area of the entire villa. It should be added that in Dead Island 2 Haus itself, we are dealing with quite a large place.

Which is full of various types of secrets or other passages, which at the same time makes us discover something completely new every time, while trying to survive and leave this nightmarish place. The villa also seems to be a maze at times, so it’s no wonder that it ultimately gives us an interesting and interesting atmosphere that defends itself throughout the game and, despite everything, the Dead Island 2 Haus game also offers brand new skill cards, 8 to be exact, which also allows us to increase the combat power of our characters.

Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

Interesting new skills.
Interestingly, the brand new skills present in Dead Island 2 Haus seem like a very interesting choice, and regardless, it’s good to use the aforementioned maps in order to make the gameplay easier. The Dead Island 2 Haus game maintains a fairly high level of difficulty, which can make the management of many problems very problematic, and in any case, it is good to use some extra help in order to deal with the existing danger.

In all this, it is also interesting to look at the fact that we also get a lot of additional elements in practice, showing that changing the location of the action as well as separating the individual rooms as separate biomes is a good decision and undoubtedly the game itself is better defended by this as an expansion of the full version of the game.

As far as the graphics are concerned, here we have slight changes compared to the original, however, they are not spectacular improvements, but it is worth pointing out the fact that the graphics of the base version of Dead Island 2 looked nex gen and these tricky fixes only improve the already good visuals, that work perfectly.


Dead Island 2 Haus Gameplay, Review All Things You Must Know

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