Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now

Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now

Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now

Clash of Clans is a freemium versatile procedure computer game created and distributed by Finnish game engineer Supercell. The game was delivered for iOS stages on August 2, 2012, and on Google Play for Android on October 7, 2013.

The game is set in a dream-themed tenacious existence where the player is ahead of a town. Conflict of Clans undertakings players to construct their own town utilizing the assets picked up from assaulting different players through the game’s battling highlights and creating them themselves. The fundamental assets are gold, remedy, and dull solution. Players can conjoin to make families, gatherings of up to fifty individuals who would then be able to take an interest in Clan Wars together, give and get troops, and talk with one another.

Clash of Clans Trailer


Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players structure networks called factions, train troops, and assault different players to procure assets. There are four monetary standards or assets in the game. Gold and remedy can be utilized to fabricate and update guards and traps that shield the player from other players’ assaults and to construct and overhaul structures. Mixture and dull solution are additionally used to prepare and redesign troops and spells. Diamonds are exceptional money. Assaults are appraised on a three-star scale and have the greatest planned length of three minutes.

The game likewise includes a pseudo-single-player crusade in which the player can assault a progression of sustained troll towns and procure gold, mixture, and dim solution (levels 51-75 as it were). The game beginnings with two developers, however, the player can have up to five manufacturers by getting them with jewels and even a 6th by getting and opening the OTTO Hut in Builder Base 9.

Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now

Clans and clan wars

Families are gatherings of players who combine to help one another, either physically (giving soldiers) or verbally (offering guidance). Players can join tribes once they modify the exceptional Clan Castle fabricating right off the bat. A significant segment of the ongoing interaction of Clash of Clans will be families going head to head against each other in the “faction wars”. Faction pioneers and co-pioneers can start battles against different groups. Every faction is then given one “readiness day” and one “war day.” When a player assaults an individual from the restricting tribe, they get stars dependent on the measure of decimation they cause to the rival’s base, half harm or more gives 1 star, devastating the municipal center additionally gives 1 star and annihilating the whole base gives the excess third star. Every player is restricted to two assaults for each war and the group with the most stars toward the finish of the war day is proclaimed triumphantly. On the off chance that the two factions’ number of stars are equivalent, at that point, the victor is the one that has a more noteworthy percent of pulverization. Players get reward war plunder in the event that they utilize their assaults in the war. This plunder might be diverse on various bases and is chosen by Supercell; the top base has the most war reward plunder and the last base has a minimal measure of reward plunder. In the event that the family wins the war, the reward plunder is completely conveyed to the player however during a misfortune or draw 33% of the plunder is conveyed to the player. In the March 2016 update, 35v35 and 45v45 were removed.The accessible war sizes are 50v50, 40v40, 30v30, 25v25, 20v20, 15v15, 10v10, and 5v5.In the May 2016 update, Friendly Challenges were acquainted with permit clanmates to contend among other clanmates, be that as it may, these difficulties don’t give plunder or prizes and don’t influence a player’s military. In the October 2018 update, Clan War Leagues were presented. Tribes would battle seven different families to progress to the following class and procure alliance decorations by acquiring stars in Clan War Leagues. The families in the gathering with the most stars will be elevated to a higher association, while the tribes in the gathering with the least stars will be downgraded to a lower class.

Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now

Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now

PC Requirements
OS: Windows7/8.1/10 (64bit)
Processor: Core i5-4460 3.2GHz
Graphics: GeForce GTX 760
Memory: 8 GB.
DirectX: Version 11.
Storage: 50 GB

How to Install?
Click on the “Download Game” button.
Download “Resident Evil 2 Remake” Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
Open the Installer, Click Next, and choose the directory where to Install.
Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory.
Open the Game and Enjoy Playing.
If you feel any problem in running Resident Evil 2 Remake, then feel free to comment down below.

Clash of Clans PS Game New Version Download Now